Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm still here.

Now, this may sound like a strange request but I need help! We just got an internet filter (safe eyes . . . see it at It will filter out all of the bad garbage. The crazy thing is, when I try to go on my blogspot, it will not let me because it says that there is sexual words on it so as long as I have it checked not to display any sexual content, I cannot get on it. I cannot for the life of me figure out what in the world it could be talking about! If you find anything, let me know. I was going to bust on my mother and say I could not get on hers because it had bad stuff on it and ironically, it won't let me on my own! So, if you can help me out, that would be wonderful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What can I say, if your good your good and if your bad your bad.